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Rhelax -ASO Anti Streptolysin Test Kit

Rhelax -ASO Anti Streptolysin Test Kit

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Product Description

Arjas Healthcare is supplying supreme quality Rhelax-ASO anti streptolysin test kit. It is made for diagnosing recent streptococcal infection and post-streptococcal sequelae, such as rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. In addition to this, our offeringindicates the severity and breadth of infectionby determining the presence of human serum ASO antibody levels. The said product is used to evaluate whether you've recently experienced an infection brought on by group A streptococcus bacteria. Rhelax -ASO anti streptolysindetermines whether you now have or recently had strep infection, which may have contributed to these health issues. It is highly effective, easy to use and accurate. 

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